I’m a huge fan of Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. I couldn’t really tell you why, I just love it. In high school I found out Universal Studios Orlando had this show they do every year for Halloween where Bill and Ted host a chaotic stage show of pop culture references and parodied characters. It’s basically pure craziness and fun on stage, centered around Bill and Ted. Ever since I heard about the show I’ve made it my goal to be part of that show. Every year I’ve had the chance to audition, I auditioned. This year was my sixth attempt. I finally made it all the way to the end of the audition, and I feel most triumphant.
So, going back a bit, I always wanted to play Ted “Theodore” Logan. Each year I would audition as Ted, and each year I would be called back for him and a major villain from whatever year it was. Like, Magneto, Sylar, Anton Chigurh… Each year I’d give a great read, get laughs, and make it past the cut onto the dance portion of the callback. And each year I would get after doing my best to follow along with the dancers. I’d always accept that I wasn’t a dancer and it’s no surprise I wasn’t picked for a very dance-heavy show. But it would also be frustrating watching the show each year and be unimpressed with the Ted onstage not living up to my fanboy expectation. After one year, when the repeatedly cast Ted actor decided not to do the role and I once again was not cast to replace him, I pretty much gave up on ever getting to play Ted. Much less be part of the show.
The next year I moved to California to do Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood. But I missed out on the Bill & Ted Halloween Spectacular auditions. I, of course, still participated in HHN. And of course, I watched the show. Much to my surprise, I liked the Ted. I thought he looked the part, and he acted it well. Once again, I pretty much gave up hope of replacing the repeat choice, but I wasn’t bitter about it. I was just happy there was a good Ted on state. Still! I wanted to play the role! So I auditioned the following year, just so see what would happened. And once again, I was called back for Ted, then cut after the dance portion. It was very clear what it was I needed to improve upon if I were ever going to get into this show.
The next year I moved to California to do Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood. But I missed out on the Bill & Ted Halloween Spectacular auditions. I, of course, still participated in HHN. And of course, I watched the show. Much to my surprise, I liked the Ted. I thought he looked the part, and he acted it well. Once again, I pretty much gave up hope of replacing the repeat choice, but I wasn’t bitter about it. I was just happy there was a good Ted on state. Still! I wanted to play the role! So I auditioned the following year, just so see what would happened. And once again, I was called back for Ted, then cut after the dance portion. It was very clear what it was I needed to improve upon if I were ever going to get into this show.
Two years later. I’m auditioning for the show again. However, this time I decide to audition as the major villain from the year, Loki. I love the character, I look the part, and every person I mentioned I was auditioning as him to would get wide eyed and proclaim I would be a perfect Loki. I felt great about it. I wrote up a monologue about how Halloween is the perfect occasion to bow down to the God of Mischief. I was ready for this one, and very excited to play the part, even if only for a minute. When my time to audition came, I sauntered in, slowly delivered my speech, and had a great audition.
I made it past the first cut. Now it was onto the dance portion. Things were different this year. Rather than have us dance to an overly poppy and happy remixed top 40 hit like Bill & Ted auditions usually do, they had us dance to an overly poppy and remixed version of Gotye’s smash “Somebody I Used to Know”, which has a very frustrated tone. So this year, they didn’t want us to smile and have that feeling of frustration instead. That made things easier on me. I felt inspired for this song, and it totally fit the Loki vibe I was trying to play. And the number itself was a lot of fun. I would’ve smiled and been happy dancing to it, but it’s so much more fun to be angsty when dancing to pop music. I have to say, I had a good grasp of the dance, despite some trippy footwork timing. And I was enjoying the hell out of having angry arm gestures and stomping to an artist I really like. I was having fun, I had a darn good grasp on the routine, and I was feeling pretty confident. But, like every year, as soon as they put us into small groups and had me do it for the judges, I screwed it up.
I thought this year was sure to be no different than every other year. But before I could collect my stuff to go feel that way, they wanted the guys to do one more thing. You ever heard of a shirt check? Cuz I hadn’t. But I knew exactly what it was. I’ve seen this show enough to know what they were looking for. All the guys, most of whom are dancers and stuntmen, lined up and took our shirts off. I did my best not to think twice about it. Or consider that I haven’t even worn short sleeves in public for half a year, with exception to one day in which I cropped a great deal of photos to keep people from knowing just how skinny I had become. So I took my shirt off and stood there like I wasn’t freaking out at all. And when they had seen enough, I walked out returning my two shirts to their rightful place and headed back to the waiting area to await judgement. When they came out with the golden tickets, I did my best to stay optimistic, like I do every year. I started changing my outfit, cuz ‘they’ll need me to wear this to do that cuz they still want me.’ And while I sat there like I wasn’t freaking out at all, they called my number.
It took me a moment to realize that had just happened. But when I did I stood up and couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. I was so proud. I was so excited! I made it past my ceiling! I finally made it past the one part that had thwarted me time and time again. I couldn’t believe it. I was ecstatic. I felt so privileged to have been chosen. And I was well aware I was not cast, and this meant very little in the long run. But I was just so proud. And relieved. This was a huge deal for me.
I made it past the first cut. Now it was onto the dance portion. Things were different this year. Rather than have us dance to an overly poppy and happy remixed top 40 hit like Bill & Ted auditions usually do, they had us dance to an overly poppy and remixed version of Gotye’s smash “Somebody I Used to Know”, which has a very frustrated tone. So this year, they didn’t want us to smile and have that feeling of frustration instead. That made things easier on me. I felt inspired for this song, and it totally fit the Loki vibe I was trying to play. And the number itself was a lot of fun. I would’ve smiled and been happy dancing to it, but it’s so much more fun to be angsty when dancing to pop music. I have to say, I had a good grasp of the dance, despite some trippy footwork timing. And I was enjoying the hell out of having angry arm gestures and stomping to an artist I really like. I was having fun, I had a darn good grasp on the routine, and I was feeling pretty confident. But, like every year, as soon as they put us into small groups and had me do it for the judges, I screwed it up.
I thought this year was sure to be no different than every other year. But before I could collect my stuff to go feel that way, they wanted the guys to do one more thing. You ever heard of a shirt check? Cuz I hadn’t. But I knew exactly what it was. I’ve seen this show enough to know what they were looking for. All the guys, most of whom are dancers and stuntmen, lined up and took our shirts off. I did my best not to think twice about it. Or consider that I haven’t even worn short sleeves in public for half a year, with exception to one day in which I cropped a great deal of photos to keep people from knowing just how skinny I had become. So I took my shirt off and stood there like I wasn’t freaking out at all. And when they had seen enough, I walked out returning my two shirts to their rightful place and headed back to the waiting area to await judgement. When they came out with the golden tickets, I did my best to stay optimistic, like I do every year. I started changing my outfit, cuz ‘they’ll need me to wear this to do that cuz they still want me.’ And while I sat there like I wasn’t freaking out at all, they called my number.
It took me a moment to realize that had just happened. But when I did I stood up and couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. I was so proud. I was so excited! I made it past my ceiling! I finally made it past the one part that had thwarted me time and time again. I couldn’t believe it. I was ecstatic. I felt so privileged to have been chosen. And I was well aware I was not cast, and this meant very little in the long run. But I was just so proud. And relieved. This was a huge deal for me.
Today were the callbacks. The real callbacks. The one they told us to bring our game face for. It consisted of cold reads of sides, which I had done before with Universal Orlando. For the sake of not jinxing anything I am not going to get into what I read. But I will say it was not Loki. (Too tall.) But I will say that, just as in past years, I gave a pretty darn good read, got a laugh, and felt great about that portion of the callback. Then it was back to dancing.
They told us it would be a more intense dance number. I’m not sure what to think about it. I want to say it was easier, but it may just have been more fun. Or maybe just more akin to the sporadic style of hip hop dancing I do. Whatever it was, I was digging this combination. No clue about the song, but I was having a lot of fun with the dance. I felt like I had a great grasp of it too. But, I was totally aware that I’ve felt that way before, so I would mark through it every couple of plays just to make sure I wouldn’t forget a step. Well, I ended up being in the last group to go, so I had plenty of practice. It was just three of us, and I knew the other two weren’t big dancers which means I couldn’t leach off of them should I forget a step and need to get back on track. If I was gonna pull this off, I’d have to trust myself. So I got ready, took a deep breath, and then I threw all my nerves out the window and just partied with this dance number. I had fun. I just danced! I mean, I did all the right steps when they wanted me to do it. But I can’t imagine what my face looked like. Knowing me, I was making all kinds of stupid faces. Stupid, cocky, hamming-it-up faces. I had this. I was rockin’ this dance! We did two rounds of it. I got a little sharper the second time. And then we were all done. They thanked us for our time and talent, which I really did appreciate, and then I returned to the waiting area.
They told us it would be a more intense dance number. I’m not sure what to think about it. I want to say it was easier, but it may just have been more fun. Or maybe just more akin to the sporadic style of hip hop dancing I do. Whatever it was, I was digging this combination. No clue about the song, but I was having a lot of fun with the dance. I felt like I had a great grasp of it too. But, I was totally aware that I’ve felt that way before, so I would mark through it every couple of plays just to make sure I wouldn’t forget a step. Well, I ended up being in the last group to go, so I had plenty of practice. It was just three of us, and I knew the other two weren’t big dancers which means I couldn’t leach off of them should I forget a step and need to get back on track. If I was gonna pull this off, I’d have to trust myself. So I got ready, took a deep breath, and then I threw all my nerves out the window and just partied with this dance number. I had fun. I just danced! I mean, I did all the right steps when they wanted me to do it. But I can’t imagine what my face looked like. Knowing me, I was making all kinds of stupid faces. Stupid, cocky, hamming-it-up faces. I had this. I was rockin’ this dance! We did two rounds of it. I got a little sharper the second time. And then we were all done. They thanked us for our time and talent, which I really did appreciate, and then I returned to the waiting area.
I really didn’t know what to feel this time. Or what to convince myself of how I should try to feel. But they came out to make one more cut. This was it. After this it would just be improv, which I always always always hoped to get to cuz I knew I could impress, and company paperwork like stuff. If I was going to go home, it would be right now. Being one of the last people to dance, I had to wait through the whole list of random numbers until finally, hopefully, if-only-ly…. 18. I was called. They wanted me back. They wanted me to continue in the audition. I could have crowed I was so excited. I honestly could not believe I had gotten this far. I still can’t. I became very familiar with the feeling of having been cut from this audition. Five times. This feeling though… this one was new. I freaking loved it!
After a break to get some lunch, I returned to the auditioning process for one more go at the dance, just for kicks, some light improv, and a whole lot of fun. For the sake of respecting their audition process and what they probably want people not to blather all over the internet, I will not say what went on and what they were looking for this round. And honestly that’s not the point. I don’t even care. When I was walking away to go have lunch I had to keep telling myself that I still needed to care about the rest of the audition. I was just so happy that I had made it past my dancing handicap and gotten as far as I did. I was so happy! Anything past that would just be icing on the cake. If I didn’t get cast I wouldn’t be upset at all. I mean, don’t get me wrong! I would LOVE to finally be a part of this show And as happy, honored, and proud as I am now, I can’t even tell you how big a deal it would be for me if I actually got cast. But for now, I’m thrilled just to been as successful as I have been today. I feel like Lincoln just announced how awesome I was to my whole high school class.
I mean it, I love that movie.
[wails on electric air guitar]