Monday, December 20, 2010

I thought I had at least two more years, but I just found out, like five minutes ago, that early tomorrow morning might bring the "Shift of the Ages."
I heard that around 1am tonight (I still count that as tonight, not tomorrow. get used to it cuz I'm gonna say it a lot) was a big lunar eclipse that happened to fall on the Winter Solstice. I figured it just meant that the moon would look especially mystical, and I had read that both of the America continents could see. I had also read this coincidence was an extremely rare occurance.
Since Year 1, I can only find one previous instance of an eclipse matching the same calendar date as the solstice, and that is 1638 DEC 21", Geoff Chester of the US Naval Observatory.
Still, I figured it was just a coincidence. But then I read that not only will there be a lunar ecclipse on the Winter Solstice, there will also be a meteor shower, and Mercury is retrograding, and the entire galaxy is going to line itself up. Thus beginning a "3 year galactic journey ..., ushering us into a new world age." Oh my god! Or gods!
So a miraculous event is occuring tonight, the aligning of the galaxy. But does it mean anything? YES! We've all heard of the Mayan calendar's prediction that the world will end on Decemeber 21st, 2012. Years from now, tonight. But there's a theory that we may have gotten it wrong. Dead wrong. Supposedly, we may have been off translating the Mayan calendar to match ours, because of a 16th century switch between the Gregorian and Julian calendars. We may have been off by 2 years. It just makes sense! This year's Decemeber 21st is the only one with the galatic alignment!
The only question that still remains is how. We know the why, and the when (later tonight!), but the how is still a question. I haven't heard of any asteriods coming to hit the Earth in a few years, and we're nowhere near ready for the robot takeover, and the crystal skulls are still missing. I'm not sure what it is, and I'm probably better off not knowing, but I have an idea: zombies. I just now found about this, so I haven't made much sense of it yet. But it's got to be zombies. I thought there was more time. And I didn't think retail super centers were gonna help them! I was gonna hide out there, now what do I do?!
I know it's last minute, but we still have a chance. Tell everyone!

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