Saturday, February 19, 2011

I networked!

I like Twitter. I got on it because I could follow my hilarious friend @JoshuaWatford, @WeirdAlYankovic, and @DarthVader. I was entertained by it. Then I got wrapped up in the fun of micro-blogging and that became my thing. Then a bunch of friends found me and I found them and I'm sent all sorts of little blogs. But then, I found out I could network on it. An acquaintance posted something about the #ConnectionExperiment, an underground chatroom for the film acting community created through the use of a Twitter hashtag. Eventually an event was put together so these followers could meet in person, and I went. Now I'm meeting people in the flesh and networking in LA, because of Twitter. It was surreal.
Now I'm following all sorts of people in my industry, a good number of them are following me, and I'm using Twitter for more than just entertainment. It's crazy! It's like getting auditions from Facebook, it doesn't make sense! But it gets even better. After noticing a some tweets from @DanielleCasting, I thought this woman seemed rather nice and I decided to follow her despite trying to be selective about who I follow. (I'm already over 180 accounts.) And I'm glad I did. After a good while she started getting close to 5,000 followers and held a contest to honor it. Her 5,000th follower would win a meeting and reading with her, which is something since she is the head of her own casting agency. Well, I was in! I was contacted by her and the 4,000th follower/winner of the last contest, who had just booked a pilot, and was now determined to be the next winner. Not only was it a challenge with a fabulous prize package, but I felt like I had people rooting for me, expecting me to triumph in the end. Somehow, I managed to do it. I won the contest! I got to have a reading with a casting director! Because of Twitter!!

Today I had my meeting with Danielle of @DanielleCasting, and it was wonderful. She was just as sweet and helpful as she appears in 140 character micro-blogs. She greeted herself very warmly, invited me into her office, and asked me to tell her about myself. It didn't feel like a reading or an audition, but a friendly conversation between new acquaintances. After I read for her she gave me her feedback, which was great to hear and told me that I should use it when I go to audition for agencies, which is a big help to hear. She also asked me if I had any questions for her. I really wish I could've thought of anything specific, but even now I still can't think of anything, so I guess that means I'm okay. I did however mention that I wanted to know how I might find a good agency, since that is what I'm looking to do next for my career. I hoped she would give me some tips, but before I even realized what she was doing, she pulled out a sheet of paper to write down some names for me. I was practically floored by that. I had heard nice things about her from other tweeters, but she totally surpassed expectations in just how nice and helpful she was. I'm so glad I'm addicted to Twitter!

Ya know, what I really couldn't believe was the enthusiasm from her end too. 
meeting @KevinAllensays (actor) tomorrow for being my 5,000th follower! he will meet and read for me!!! #yeahbaby
in the office I go to meet and read my 5,000th follower @KevinAllensays and then lunch with Michael Sandford Casting
  She even joked with me afterward about my dorky hair. She's a lot of fun.

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