When I moved to California and was trying to get my acting career going in Hollywood, I was spending a lot of time with two friends. These two live together, and at their apartment I noticed all these paychecks they had taped to the wall next to their computer. They were self-made paychecks from production companies they hoped to one day work for/be paid money from. They, especially the girl in the relationship, is really into the belief of human influence or.. influence.. whatever The Secret is. That. The idea that i you put your goals, wants, and whatever else you’re trying to put into your life out their for the universe to notice and deliver to you. One means of doing this was to create paychecks they wished to one day receive. Their idea was supported by a playcheck (just came up with that) written to them from Judd Apatow’s production company. On the day the check was made, one of them received a check from that same company from doing extra work. Obviously the check was for a much smaller amount than they had predicted, but they got it on the same day!
I thought, why not, sounds like a cool idea. Well, I didn’t get around to actually doing it for about half a year. I kept thinking about it, but accurately designing playchecks and printing them up seemed like a lesser priority to job hunting and other activities. A week or so ago I finally made up playchecks for the major, secret audition I had back in November, hoping it would be yet another gesture to the Universe that I was ready to receive that role. Today I made up another check, because something told me to do it, and I finally printed them out. I’ll admit, I am a procrastinator sometimes. But I still printed out the checks in good faith.
Then I decided I’d check up on the casting news. I’ve been randomly checking up on news articles regarding the casting. Watching rumor after rumor be published and debunked, and after biting my nails for two and half months, I finally had reason to stop. Les than an hour after printing out my goodwill tokens to the universe, I discovered the role had been cast yesterday and I was too late.
I still haven’t hit the dates I put on the checks though.
I thought, why not, sounds like a cool idea. Well, I didn’t get around to actually doing it for about half a year. I kept thinking about it, but accurately designing playchecks and printing them up seemed like a lesser priority to job hunting and other activities. A week or so ago I finally made up playchecks for the major, secret audition I had back in November, hoping it would be yet another gesture to the Universe that I was ready to receive that role. Today I made up another check, because something told me to do it, and I finally printed them out. I’ll admit, I am a procrastinator sometimes. But I still printed out the checks in good faith.
Then I decided I’d check up on the casting news. I’ve been randomly checking up on news articles regarding the casting. Watching rumor after rumor be published and debunked, and after biting my nails for two and half months, I finally had reason to stop. Les than an hour after printing out my goodwill tokens to the universe, I discovered the role had been cast yesterday and I was too late.
I still haven’t hit the dates I put on the checks though.